Friday, November 7, 2008

The club

Typing from my blackberry right now... At the "club"... Here's my observation...

I'm just not made for this shit. I love music and I love socializing with people, but I just can't stand the "club". No disrespect to those who love it... Do ya thing!... Just know that if you see me there it's likely that I'm extremely uncomfortable...

Tonight I've managed to say a variety of stupid things. I always do, well, not always.... but as of late I have been on roll...

Either way, here's the conclusion:

I will not go to the "club" again unless I'm in the perfect mood for it. My discomfort ends up displaced on those around me and as a result I often ruin their zone! I'm sorry...



no$leepgetmoney said...

Damn I thought I was the only one..I feel you entirely......I was in the "club" the other night and its just not me....I say that ery time and then about 10 months go by and I try again...I feel you though

Dekk said...

Lol!! Me too.. somehow I always find myself returning..